Monday, June 13, 2011

You know what potato salad leads to...

Green tea sorbet! Or maybe that only happens if you're me. But let's just say you're boiling water for potatoes, and then you realize you have all of this loose leaf tea that you're never going to use up via regular tea consumption, so it occurs to you to make some iced tea. And then once you've made iced tea, it occurs to you that there's that green tea sorbet recipe you've been wanting to try, which will also use up tea. And once you've made that, you realize you could make mango lime coconut popsicles which don't involve tea at all but hey they're frozen so it totally relates to the green tea sorbet! And there goes your attempt at relaxing for the afternoon.

Nonetheless I did not regret my spontaneously driven kitchen activities. Both the popsicles and the sorbet turned out fantastic and were so simple to make, though you do need to leave enough time for freezing.

Green Tea Sorbet 
3 cups water
1 c. milk
2/3 c. sugar
3 Tbs loose leaf green tea

1. Bring water sugar and milk just to a boil.
2. Put leaves in and remove from heat. Leave covered for 5-6 minutes until steeped.
3. Strain tea leaves out and freeze. (Really you should chill and then finish in an ice cream maker. Or you can freeze it, let it thaw a little and puree in the food process and return to the freezer for maximum texture enjoyment).

I found this recipe was a bit sweeter/a bit less tea taste than I wanted, which may be perfect for those who don't actually like the taste of green tea! Next time I will try using 4 Tbs of tea, reducing to 1/2 c. sugar, and substituting 1 cup of milk for a cup of water to make it a bit creamier.

Mango-Lime-Coconut Popsicles (inspired by a link from my friend D!) 
14 oz can coconut milk
1 mango
1 1/2 limes (all juice + zest of 1 lime)
1/4 c. orange juice (optional)
1/4 c. shredded coconut (optional)
1/4 c. powdered sugar 

1. Puree in blender until smooth.
2. Pour in molds and freeze. (did you really need directions?)
*Note depending on the size of your limes, you may need more or less sugar. Just taste it before you freeze!

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