Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Energy Bar Fail

We're going on a road trip this summer! To Saskatchewan! When I say this to most Canadians, they look at me kind of oddly, but I am excited. We already have our full route east planned out; now we just need to get the route home finalized. And as I envisioned other long weekends of camping and hiking over the summer which WILL start at some point (I BELIEVE! I BELIEVE! The continual rain in the middle of May will not stop the seasons from progressing to sunshine and heat and beach days and other recognizable characteristics of summer), I had a hankering to make some energy/granola bars that are far cheaper than buying a bunch of PowerBars.

Unfortunately, it was one of those times where it was late at night and I really should have followed the recipe more closely and I didn't and now I regret it ... Instead of energy bars that have a consistent amount of almond butter and honey holding them together into recognizable, easy to handle and consume squares of goodness, I have clumps of energy bars surrounded by granola. Oh well. I will give you the recipe as it SHOULD have been done.

Mom's Energy Bars
2/3 c. honey
1/2 c. almond butter
1/4 c. spelt, oat, or whole wheat flour (flour for all three!) 
1 c. raisins
1/2 c. other dried fruit (apricots, currants, coconut, etc.)
1 c. sunflower seeds
1/4 c. sesame seeds
1 c. walnuts, almonds, or pecans etc. chopped
 optional: flax meal or flax seeds

Heat the honey and almond butter together. Mix well! Then stir in all the other ingredients. Press into a greased 9x13" pan (I'm going to recommend pam or canola oil to grease as butter did not work too well for me). Bake at 300 degrees F for 30 min. Let cool for a bit and cut into squares before fully hardened.

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