Monday, May 02, 2011


After reviewing a couple of my recipes, I feel the need to apologize that many of the ingredient quantities listed in my recipes are vague! It's because I always start with a base amount and continue modifying with certain ingredients until it tastes the way I want it to. We all have different tastes in food so why not give a range that expresses the flexibility needed to suit different people? And I promise that it's not because in the process of modifying, I don't precisely measure how much more salt I have added, or that last amount of garlic... what kind of type A, scientist person would do that?

Similarly, I have to confess a need to bake less. We simply don't have enough people to fob off baked goods onto, or people who are into spontaneous eating fests. The quantity of baked goods consumed by the two individuals in our household is becoming too great relative to the amount of exercise the two of us get. I am going to TRY to focus more on non-dessert and non-baked goods items. *Fingers crossed* We'll see how long it lasts...

And just because I can post it here: the new giant kitty tree that dominates our living room. Molly loves it, to say the least.

Oh, and not that I made it, but because I'm so impressed with my wife's pasta making skills!

To dress the pasta, we had sauteed onion, leeks, button mushrooms, and zucchini in a rosemary infused olive oil and homemade pesto.

1 comment:

  1. Well done to R on the pasta making and the sauce sounds amazing!
