Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Peach Buttermilk Ice Cream

On our way back from the Okanagan, we did manage to pick up a 10 lb box of peaches. I had been hoping to bring back a more impressive amount like 40-50 lbs of peaches and can them; canned peaches are high up on my list of best foods ever - like gold in a jar. I was unknowingly saved from peach canning hell by this decision,  since I had never heard of the term: cling-free peaches! You know, where the pit doesn't actually stick to the flesh of the fruit? My 10 lbs of peaches were at least twice the effort to blanch, peel, and chop up due to the fact that the pits clung, so I will file this lesson away for future peach canning reference.

In addition to peach cobbler (ode to Southern food here), we made peach buttermilk ice cream! The tartness of the buttermilk makes the flavor quite similar to a light cheesecake, and so so delicious. We restrained ourselves on the quantity of yolks this time, only using 8 instead of 12, and it works, but honestly, if you're using 8 egg yolks, why not go all the way and use 12???  Adapted from smittenkitchn's buttermilk ice cream recipe:

Buttermilk Peach Ice Cream
2 cups coffee cream (could use whipping cream)
1 1/4 cup sugar
12 large egg yolks
2 cups buttermilk
Pinch of salt

1 quart of pureed peaches

1. Bring the cream and 1 c. sugar to a simmer over medium heat.
2. Whisk together the egg yolks and 1/4 c. sugar
3. Take the cream mixture off the heat. Drizzle a small amount into the yolks, whisking constantly. Repeat 2 -3 more times (goal is to warm up the yolks).
4. Pour the yolk mixture into the remaining cream in the sauce pan, whisking constantly.
5. Cook over low heat until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
6. Strain the mixture, then whisk in buttermilk and salt. Chill in the fridge or freezer until cool.
7. Freeze in ice cream maker. At the very end, pour in about a yogurt container (1 quart) worth of pureed peaches. Process until frozen! (maybe it would be better if you put the peaches in at the very beginning?)

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