Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sorrel & Roasted Beet Salad

Sorrel is the new "wonder vegetable" of our garden. Well honestly, it has been since June when we transplanted it from a container into the ground and it exploded into a verdant mass of leaves. And we are grateful. Sorrel makes an incredible "green lettuce" base for a salad, particularly when the lemony bite of the leaves is paired with roasted beets, goat cheese, and pistachios.  (I'm sure hazelnuts are equally delicious in this). I could also have added orange slivers or red onions but I was lazy and I can't say that I missed them one bit! My dressing was an olive oil/balsamic/dijon mustard/thyme mix with a touch of honey for sweetener. If I had frozen orange zest I would have added it to the dressing, but c'est la vie.

Sorrel & Roasted Beet Salad

  •  Beets, red or golden. A large beet would serve two salads, or roast 3-4 to have extras for leftovers. Scrub clean and toss with a bit of olive oil. Wrap in two layers of foil and bake at 400 degrees F for 40-50 minutes until tender. (I did this part about 5 days in advance). Let cool and then peel the skin off. Slice into rounds and then into quarters (or halves depending on beet size).
  • Sorrel, for two probably 100-200 grams, or for four 300-400g. Remove the stems, wash, and slice into ribbons.
  • Goat cheese (as much as you want!)- for two, about 2 oz.
  • Salted pistachios (1/4 - 1/3 c. for salad for two)
Assemble salad and dress. Enjoy. Perhaps with some baguette on the side.

1 comment:

  1. We have exploding sorrel too. And I need more greenery in my diet. Plus I think we have some beets in the ground that need eating. I am going to go and make this - right NOW!
