Friday, July 22, 2011

Road Trip!

An update that I will be away for a couple of weeks and not posting. Most sad. In fact, sad that I have made so many things in preparation for this giant road trip/ hiking / camping trip and don't have time to post about them. BUT when I return, I promise to put up recipes for excellent chocolate chip granola bars and almost as amazingly good as rain coast crisp crackers, ooh and granola if I can find the recipe where ever I wrote it down! On the way there, we plan to stop in Jasper National Park, Edmonton, Elk Island National Park, Saskatoon, Wanuskewin Heritage Park, and finally a small farm just outside of Veregin.

For those who are interested, here is the return route home: through Regina and Moosejaw, stopping by Grasslands National Park, up through Medicine Hat to Dinosaur Provincial Park, and then through Calgary to Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, stopping in Kelowna to rest in a hotel before heading home.

1 comment:

  1. What are you doing in small-town SK? Say hi to Saskatoon for me!
