Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Few Things About the Kitchen and Me

A few things you should know about my kitchen style:
(1) Despite being a child of the 80's, I function more like a child of the depression: No food shall go wasted. Seriously. Nothing makes me cringe more than throwing food away, or not finding a use for all the odds and ends.
(2) I don't own a dishwasher. This makes the clean up after large scale cooking much more difficult, especially given our tiny sink nook (see photo right for proof). But I am not about to let that stop me from cooking!
(3) I have a love/hate relationship with plastic bags. Love the utility, hate the wastefulness. Therefore I attempt to wash and reuse all plastic bags as much as possible. It's a guilt thing.
(4) Muffins are the bane of my existence. Not like they're out to get me in the general sense but I have never had so many recipe fails as with muffins. My wife claims this is because I'm always substituting, but really I've cut back on recipe innovations since the number of muffin fails. I don't understand it though - my biscuits and scones, fluffy and soft without fail. You would think those would be the harder ones. This blog may have an inordinate amount of muffin posts for that reason: attempt to triumph over the muffin.
(5) I have a bit of recipe ADD: it is not enough to simply have one recipe, I must compare and contrast 4-5 recipes for the same dish and then concoct my own combination of them all to fall in line with my gut instinct. For this reason, attempting to replicate the same recipe later is always... interesting to say the least.

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