Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Green Tea Sorbet Redux

I attempted to improve the green tea sorbet from my previous post and was quite happy with the results! The next step will be adding some exotic flavor twist; I'm thinking of pureed fruit, perhaps mango or strawberry? Or grapefruit juice?! Something tangy, but without curdling the milk. Hmmmm, I must ponder this concept and return to the lab to experiment....

Green Tea Sorbet
3 c. water
2 c. milk
2/3 c. sugar

4-5 Tbs loose leaf green tea

Probably in the future, it is better to just bring the water and sugar to a boil. Pour in tea and let steep covered 5-6 minutes. Strain out leaves. Pour in milk. (Or you could be lazy like me and bring EVERYTHING to a boil, steep, and strain out leaves - but milk coming to a boil needs to be attended or it ends up all over the stove..) Chill in freezer. Blend once in food processor or blender to break up the ice crystals.

Also extremely delicious if you leave a frozen container of the sorbet out to become a little melted, blend it up with a bit more milk (or ice) and have a homemade green tea frappuccino!!!

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